Tile, with your style.

Because you probably do not want our style. Email us at info@karnageconstruction.con for all of your your tile needs- walls, floors, backsplashes, kitchens, bathrooms, whatever.

We can do basic, classic, budget, fancy, custom, or extra tile jobs. Our goal is for you to be able to make informed decisions that will be most likely to bring you joy.

If you are looking arounod to choose some tiles you like, we recommend Morris Tile employee Mary Leath Thurman. Her email is mary.thurman@morristile.net make sure to let her know Mo sent you.

Morris Tile is located at 2280 Dabney Rd, Richmond, VA 23230 and they have a lot more tile options than are listed on their website. You can also make an appointment with any available sales person through their website www.morristile.net


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